“I hope that I would leave a legacy of joy. A legacy of real compassion. Because I think there is great joy in real compassion. I don’t think that you can know joy apart from caring deeply about people – caring enough about people that you actually do something.”
~Rich Mullins, 1994
Our Story
After working for several years together, co-writing some of the best known songs in Contemporary Christian Music, traveling the world and playing for millions of people, Rich Mullins and his friend and co-writer, David (Beaker) Strasser were seeking something more. Something deeper. Something transformative.
In 1989, Rich and Beaker founded The Kid Brothers of St. Frank. The goal of Kid Brothers was to preach, live and model for others the teachings of St. Francis (St. Frank) of Assisi. Other young men joined them to be in a discipleship community with each other, following Francis’ vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
The car accident taking Rich’s life in September of 1997 ended the goals of Kid Brothers, but a new group was to rise up to carry out Rich’s idea of leaving a legacy of compassion…of caring deeply…of actually doing something.
In June of 1998, family and friends of Rich Mullins came together to form The Legacy of a Kid Brother of St Frank. The goal of the organization was to use Rich’s estate to take the love of Jesus to the Native American reservations he loved, using the mediums of art and music camps. In 2002, the Mullins’ family decided to broaden their grants to include other populations of at-risk children and teens. What was planned as a five year commitment to the realization of Rich’s legacy became a 10 year outreach giving away over a million dollars. We think Rich would approve.